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Accurx Service

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews and admin requests, using our Accurx service. Alternatively, email the practice at

Weight management

  • Slimming World

    You’ll find delicious recipe and menu ideas at your local group, along with all the help you need to get started and reach your target weight.

    Slimming World

  • Weight Watchers

    Meetings, online or a little bit of both. They’ve got options and support, whatever your lifestyle.

    Weight Watchers

  • BMI calculator

    The body mass index (BMI) is a measure that uses your height and weight to work out if your weight is healthy.

    NHS: BMI healthy weight calculator

  • Top tips for weight loss

    Herts Valleys CCG have created some tips to help loose weight.

    Top tips for weight loss (PDF)

  • NHS Weight Loss Guide

    Their 12 week weight loss guide combines advice on healthier eating and physical activity.
    You get a brilliant information pack for each week of the plan, which is full of advice and tips, plus a brilliant stick-it-on-the-fridge planner to help you track your weekly progress.


  • One You Couch to 5K – Mobile App

    The Couch to 5K app has been designed to get you off the couch and running in just 9 weeks. Grab your trainers, download the app and follow the step-by-step instructions.

    Download from
    Google Play: One You Couch to
    iTunes: One You Couch to

  • Be Smart Food – Mobile App

    Simply scan the barcode of your food and drink to find out what’s inside.
    You’ll also get loads of simple hints and tips to help you make healthier choices, plus food detective activities for the kids and fun mini-mission ideas for the whole family.

    Download from
    Google Play: Be Smart Food
    iTunes: Be Smart Food