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New Website

We are happy to present our new website, which we hope you find easy to use to find the support and care that you need. The site is currently being updated with new features and ways to contact us.

To contact us while these updates take place, please contact us online using Accurx, or email the practice at


These may be issued during consultations with your doctor and should be taken to a chemist.

Repeat prescriptions

These are stored on a computer at the doctors’ discretion should you have a stable condition needing continuing treatment, but infrequent visits to the doctor.

How to request a repeat prescription

We want to make repeat prescription re-ordering as accurate, efficient, secure and easy to use as possible.

IMPORTANT In order to request a repeat prescription and avoid possible delays you should remember:

  • Only request the quantity of medication recorded on your repeat prescription sheet that you receive attached to your prescription.
  • Amounts can only be changed when your doctor reviews your medication.
  • Do not order urgent prescriptions
  • Antibiotics will not be prescribed without a patient talking to a doctor

To request a repeat prescription you can use any of the following methods:

  • using our Accurx service
  • Online Services
  • By post – Please enclose a stamped address envelope with your repeat request form. 
  • By Fax 01727 847961

Please do NOT telephone for routine prescriptions but use the medication list provided with your computer generated prescription to order you repeat medication.

We need two full working days to process your request so please allow 3 working days for your repeat prescription or medication to be ready for collection.

Electronic prescription service

We are now offering a new service whereby we can send your repeat prescription electronically to a nominated pharmacy of your choice, therefore negating the need for you to come and collect it from the surgery. Further information can be found from NHS Digital.

If you would like to sign up for the electronic prescription service, please ask at your regular pharmacy for a form.