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New Website

We are happy to present our new website, which we hope you find easy to use to find the support and care that you need. The site is currently being updated with new features and ways to contact us.

To contact us while these updates take place, please contact us online using Accurx, or email the practice at


Contact us with AccuRx

You can contact a doctor, nurse or other healthcare professional online using a website called AccuRx.

How to see your doctor

All consultations are made by appointment. Not all the doctors are in the surgery everyday but you will always be seen promptly in an emergency event if your doctor is not consulting.

To make an appointment phone 01727 833550. The surgery reception and office are open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 6.30pm.

Routine appointments which are available between 8.30am to 11.30am and 4pm to 6pm Monday to Friday are about matters that are not urgent and are made on a “first come first served” basis. Naturally if you make such an appointment well in advance you will have the pick of the times.

Please talk to reception or go to the extended hours, to see the additional appointments available.

Extended hours

The practice is continuing to offer appointments from 7am or until 8pm Monday to Friday. These extended hours are rotated through the week to match the doctors’ availability in the surgery and in line with feedback from questionnaires.

These appointments are especially beneficial to those patients who, due to work commitments find daytime appointments difficult. The rotation includes every 4th Saturday morning.

The general surgery phone line is not open during these extended hours.

Additional opening hours

Appointments during these hours are pre bookable, by phoning the surgery in advance.

There is no walk in urgent service available and the general telephone line is not open during these hours.

Saturday clinics have been temporarily suspended.  

Telephone consultations

Patients can contact the practice to arrange for a telephone consultation to be held after morning surgery. This would usually be with the doctor you are registered with however. If they are not available another doctor will be accessible.

Urgent appointments

A good appointment system takes into account that illnesses are not planned.

We have urgent appointments available 24 hours before the time and yet more on the same day. Please tell the receptionist if you need one of these. If you need an urgent appointment please tell the receptionist who will inform the doctor

Home visits

Please only ask for a home visit if essential. We can see more people in the same time at the surgery and can quickly deal with infectious cases and feverish children, so do not worry about coming in if you possibly can. If in doubt, telephone first and you will be advised accordingly.

When a home visit is necessary, please phone the surgery before 11am, giving us full details so that we can organise our visits by urgency and geography.

Practice philosophy

When patients register with this practice they will be allocated a preferred doctor. As people and their medical problems are best dealt with by one doctor with whom they have developed a professional relationship, this would be the doctor you would normally see.

Ladies can be seen by a female doctor if this is requested, but this may result in a delay in being seen, dependant on availability of an appointment.

Our telephone

Lines are busy in the mornings, so please avoid phoning for routine matters or information until after midday. Results will only be given over the telephone after 2pm. We cannot accept telephone requests for routine repeat prescriptions. However you may use our fax and email facilities.

Extended access

Times are changing

Evening and weekend appointments now available.

You can now book an appointment to see a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional in the evening or at the weekend.

Speak to your practice receptionist or a member of the practice team to find out more.

Related information

Health A to Z

Sick notes

Test results