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Accurx Service

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews and admin requests, using our Accurx service. Alternatively, email the practice at


Our carer champion at the practice is Gail Davie. If you would like to speak with her then please ask reception.

  • Free Health Checks for Carers

    When looking after someone else, it’s very easy to neglect your own well-being and ignore symptoms of physical and emotional ill health, so this is an opportunity for you to come and have a thorough check up. 

    Call to book an appointment with one of our nurses and mention it is for a carers health check so the receptionist will allocate you a 20 min slot. 

  • Carers UK

    They’re here to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don’t have to care alone.

    0808 808 7777

    Carers UK


  • Hertfordshire County Carers Group

    Carers in Hertfordshire is the county’s leading charity for unpaid family and friend carers. They support carers of all ages from eight upwards. Please click on the link below to discover how they can help support you.


  • Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust

    If you are a carer for someone with mental health problems, learning disabilities or long term conditions, then the Hertfordshire Partnership can help support you.


  • Social care and support guide

    If you or someone you know needs help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability, this guide explains your options and where you can get support.

    NHS: Social care and support guide

  • Young Carers in Hertfordshire

    The main focus of the service is to work with children, young people and their families to help them find support locally to reduce the amount of caring young carers have to do.
